Our core labs in AI
The Centre for Visual Computing – established in 2011 – lies on the intersection of mathematics and computer science seeking mathematical models and their computational solutions towards automatic structuring, interpretation and understanding of massive (visual) data with emphasis on machine learning, optimization, computer vision and biomedical image analysis.
The Laboratory of Signals and Systems (L2S), created in 1974 and located in Paris-Saclay University is jointly operated by the CNRS, CentraleSupélec and the University of Paris-Saclay.
Research at L2S focuses on fundamental and applied mathematical aspects of control theory, AI, data science, information, signal and image processing, communication, and network theory
The Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Digital Sciences - LISN- was created in January 2021 thanks to the cooperation of the teams from LIMSI and LRI.
LISN's research strengths cover, on the one hand, core themes of digital sciences and engineering sciences, and on the other hand, by nature interdisciplinary themes: AI and data science, human-machine interaction, automatic language processing and bioinformatics.
Founded in the early 2000's, MICS (former MAS) is the research laboratory in Mathematics and Computer Science at CentraleSupélec. Research at MICS is concerned with the analysis and modeling of complex systems and data, whether they come from the industry, life or social sciences, financial markets, information technology or networks.
Loria is a research unit common to CNRS, the University of Lorraine, INRIA, and CentraleSupélec. This unit was officially created in 1997.
Loria’s missions mainly deal with fundamental and applied research in computer sciences.
The lab is a member of the Charles Hermite Federation, which groups the four main research labs in Mathematics, in Information and Communication Sciences and in Control and Automation. Bolstered by the 400 people working in the lab, its scientific work is conducted in 28 teams including 15 common teams with INRIA. LORIA is today one of the biggest research labs in Lorraine.
The Optical Materials, Photonics, and Systems Laboratory (LMOPS) brings together research teams from the University of Lorraine and CentraleSupélec on Metz, Saint-Avold, and Thionville, in the fields of materials, materials for optics , non-linear optics, optical sensors and photovoltaic systems. It brings together nearly 30 teacher-researchers and almost as many doctoral students. It was created in 2000 from the Laboratory of Optical Materials with Specific Properties, laboratory of the University of Metz, during the association of its second supervisory authority at the time, Supélec. It hosts the Photonics Chair, unique in its kind and created in 2017, within its eponymous team.
Structured in 6 departments and 12 thematic research teams, IETR envisions addressing multiple scientific challenges related to the digital transformation of society and its transitions in terms of environment, ecology, energy, and health. The main areas of expertise of IETR range from materials to digital systems. Based in Bretagne and Pays de la Loire, IETR is jointly operated by the CNRS, CentraleSupélec, INSA Rennes, Nantes University and Rennes 1 University.

We also work with them
Selected by the "Convergence Institutes" call for projects launched by the French National Research Agency (ANR) in 2017, the DATAIA Institute has brought together the AI expertise of the Paris-Saclay ecosystem to strengthen the interdisciplinary collaboration of institutions in data science and AI and their societal impacts.
CentraleSupélec's student association dedicated to AI